The Benedictine tradition contains a rich repository of writings that offer wisdom and guidance for living the Benedictine life. Here are some suggested readings that may offer insights for all who seek to listen to the Lord and to follow him.
Benedictine Spirituality
A Blessed Life—Wil Derkse
A Life Giving Way—Esther de Waal
A Monastic Year—Bro. Victor-Antoine d’Avila-Latourrette
Always We Begin Again—John McQuiston II
Be A Monastic and Leave Your Day Job—Brother Benet Tvedten
Benedict in the World—Linda Kulzer, Robert Bondi
Benedict-Stories of the Great Saint—Norvene Vest
Benedict and Bernard—Linus Mundy
Benedictine Rule of Leadership—Galbraith & Galbraith
Benedictine Tradition—Laura Swan
Cherish Christ Above All—Demetrius Dumm
Cloister Walk—Kathleen Norris
Doing Business with Benedict—Kollard-Crosby-Wright
Essentials of Monastic Wisdom—Hugh Feiss, OSB
The Life and Miracles of St. Benedict—Odo Zimmerman, OSB
Life of St. Benedict—Gregory the Great
Living with Contradiction—Esther de Waal
Rule for Benedict Beginners—Derkse
Rule of St. Benedict—Joan Chittister
Rule of the Master—
Saint Benedict on the Freeway—
Saint Benedict, Life and Miracles—Monks of Subiaco
St. Benedict, The Story of the Father of the Western Monks—Mary Fabian Windeatt
St. Benedict for the Laity—Eric Dean
St. Benedict, Hero of the Hills—Windeatt
St. Benedict’s Toolbox—Jane Tomaine
St. Benedict’s Rule for Business Success—Quentin Skrabee
Seeking God, the Way of Benedict—Esther de Waal
Prayer and Spirituality
A Seven Day Journey with Thomas Merton—Esther de Waal
A Share in the Kingdom—Benet Tvedten, OSB.
An Infinity of Hours—Maquire
Bread In The Wilderness—Thomas Merton
Cloud of Unknowing—Johnston
Coming of God—Maria Boulding
Fully Human, Fully Divine—Michael Casey
Genesee Diary—Henri J. M. Nouwen
Heart Whispers—Elizabeth Canham
Holy Longing—Ronald Rolheiser
Humility Matters—Mary Margaret Funk
Imitation of Christ—Thomas A Kempis/Creasy
Intimacy With God—Thomas Keating
Loving Search for God—William A. Menniger
Medal or Cross of St. Benedict—Greranger
Music of Silence—David Steindl-Rast
Open Mind, Open Heart—Thomas Keating
Perspectives on the Rule of St. Benedict—Aquinata Bockmann
Practice of the Presence of God—Brother Lawrence
Praying with Benedict—Katherine Howard
Praying with Dorothy Day—Allaire and Broughton
Praying the Psalms—Thomas Merton
Praying with Julian of Norwich—Gloria Durka
Preferring Christ—Norvene Vest
Psalms—Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Psalms Now—Leslie F. Brandt
Radical Hospitality—Fr. Daniel Homan and Louisa C. Pratt
The Return of the Prodigal Son—Henri Nouwen
Sadhana—Anthony de Mello
St. Benedict and St. Teresa: The Little Rule and Little Way—Longenecher
Seven Story Mountain—Thomas Merton
Spirituality for Everyday Living—Brian Taylor
Thoughts Matter—Margaret Mary Funk
Tools Matter—Mary Margaret Funk
Tools for Peace—Andrew Marr, OSB
Way of Simplicity—Esther deWaal.